AGENTC Canadian Employment Standards Act

Employment Standards Act – Know the Rules!

In order to stay within the rules as an employer, you need to be aware of employment standards that are legislated at a provincial level. These regulations include everything you need to know from vacation days / pay and statutory holidays to minimum wage and maximum hours of work.

For example, did you know that you’re required to allow your employees to take a maximum of 10 sick / personal emergency days per year, two of which must be paid? Did you know what the Ontario statutory holidays are and what you must pay an employee who works on one of them?

This essential information is available here, on our website, so take a look and get familiar with the rules that apply to your business.

Federal employment standards 2018
Alberta employment standards 2018
British Columbia employment standards 2018
Northwest Territories employment standards 2018
Nova Scotia employment standards 2018
Nunavut employment standards 2018
Ontario employment standards 2018
Price Edward Island employment standards 2018
Quebec employment standards 2018
Saskatchewan employment standards 2018
Yukon employment standards 2018

The information on this web page is provided by AGENTC for your convenience. AGENTC does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information. Contents may be subject to change. Always check your circumstances with the proper authority for the most accurate and current information available.