Quebec employment standards 2018

Quebec Labour & Employment Standards 2020

Minimum Wage
  • $12.50 per hour (effective 01 May 2019)
  • $10.05 per hour (employees who receive tips)
  • $12.50 per hour (employees in the clothing industry)
Call-in Pay
  • 3 hours at regular wage
Overtime Pay:
Time + 1/2
  • Over 40 hours per week
Hospital and Medical Care Premiums or Provincial Payroll Tax Payroll Tax (QHSF)

  • Under $1M = 2.70%
  • Over $1 million to 5 million: W% = 2.31% + (0.39 x S). (Where W=contributory rate, and S=total payroll / $1 million).
  • Over $5 million: 4.26%
Vacation Entitlement
  • After 1 year: 2 weeks
  • After 3 years: 3 weeks

Note: In Quebec, employees with less than 1 year service get 1 day vacation per full month of uninterrupted service without exceeding 2 weeks.

Vacation Pay
  • 4% of vacationable earnings
  • After 3 years of employment: 6%
Statutory Holidays
  • New Year’s Day (January 1)
  • Good FridayThe stat holiday is either Good Friday or Easter Monday (employer’s choice).
  • National Patriot’s Day
  • National Holiday (June 24) (see note)
  • Canada Day (July 1)– July 2nd if July 1st falls on a Sunday.
  • Labour Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day (December 25)

Note: National Holiday is also referred to as St. Jean Baptiste Day. Legislated under National Holiday Act; eligibility and payment requirements differ from other statutory holidays (Please consult the Act.).

Statutory Holiday Pay (if worked)
  • Regular wages for hours worked plus an indemnity OR regular wages plus alternate day

Note: The indemnity is 1/20 wages less OT in previous 4 weeks. For commission employees, the indemnity is 1/60 wages earned in the previous 12 weeks.

Statutory Holiday Pay (if not worked)
  • Indemnity

Note: The indemnity is 1/20 wages less OT in previous 4 weeks. For commission employees, the indemnity is 1/60 wages earned in the previous 12 weeks.

Notice of Termination
by Employer
  • Less than 3 months of employment: Nil
  • 3 months – 1 year of employment: 1 week
  • 1 – 5 years of employment: 2 weeks
  • 5 – 10 years of employment: 4 weeks
  • 10 years of employment and over: 8 weeks

Note: When terminating in groups of 10 or more, group termination rules may apply.

Maternity and Paternity Leave
  • 18 weeks maternity / 5 weeks paternity

Note: Under QPIP: Choosing special plan increases benefit amount but decreases the time period of the claim. Maternity leave totals 18 weeks under basic plan and 15 weeks under special plan. Paternity leave totals 5 weeks under the basic and 3 weeks under the special plan. For specific benefit amounts see

Parental Leave (available to either parent)
  • 52 weeks

Note 1: Paternal leave is in addition to maternity/paternity leaves.

Note 2: Under QPIP: Choosing special plan increases benefit amount but decreases the time period of the claim. Paternity leave totals 5 weeks under the basic and 3 weeks under the special plan. Parental leave totals 52 weeks under the basic plan and 25 weeks under special plan. Adoption leave totals 37 weeks under the basic and 28 weeks under the special plan. For specific benefit amounts see

  • 2 days / 5 days

Note: Two days with pay upon the death or funeral of his or her spouse (“consort”), child (including a spouse’s child), mother, father, brother or sister that occurs on a working day. The employee may also be absent from work without pay for three more days on such occasions.  1 day without pay for son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparents, grandchildren, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law.

Compassionate/ Family Care/ Responsibility
  • 10 days / 12 weeks

Note: Eligible employees may take up to 12 weeks’ unpaid leave per employment year if the circumstances of their loved ones require it; If an employee’s child, under 18 years old, has a serious and possibly fatal illness, an eligible employee may extend their leave to 104 weeks.

  • (no applicable legislation)
  • 2 days / 26 weeks

Note 1: 2 days of paid absence per year.  Plus employees who have completed three months of uninterrupted service may take up to 26 weeks of unpaid leave in a 12-month period (starting from the day of the first absence) due to illness or injury without pay. Does not apply to work related illnesses or injuries covered under CSST.

Note 2:  Organ donation leave is available

  • 5 days

Note: The employee may be absent for five days on birth/adoption of a child or where there is a termination of pregnancy in or after the 20th week. The employee is entitled to first two days with pay if he or she has at least 60 days of uninterrupted service with the same employer. Other three days are without pay.

  • 4 hours
  • 1 day
Reservist’s Leave
  • Yes

Note: Leave for Reservists – Employees who are members of the Canadian Forces Reserves and deployed for active service are entitled to a job-protected unpaid leave. Eligibility requirements and period of leave varies-consult applicable employment/labour standards information.

Disappearance of a Child Leave
  • 52 weeks for disappearance

The information on this web page is provided by AGENTC for your convenience. AGENTC does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information. Contents may be subject to change. Always check your circumstances with the proper authority for the most accurate and current information available.

Disclaimer: Intended as a guideline only and please visit the Quebec Government website for more information: