I can find candidates myself
We’re positive you can find candidates. However, we are confident we can find you quality candidates that deliver on results. Moreover, we can find candidates who are not looking to move [...]
We’re positive you can find candidates. However, we are confident we can find you quality candidates that deliver on results. Moreover, we can find candidates who are not looking to move [...]
We’ve got your back. We will provide 1 replacement candidate with a full 90 -day guarantee. But before we go into that, have a look at our stats: we’ve had to [...]
Let us walk you through what and how to assess a candidate for your business. It’s a big decision to hire. Be sure and be confident in the right fit for [...]
Yes, we do provide that service at no cost to you.
We understand your business from a Realtor’s perspective because one of our consultants is a former Realtor. We have also served Realtors for over 15 years. We conduct a thorough needs [...]
We don’t post and wait for candidates to apply. The quality of candidates from job postings in the Real Estate Industry is not the optimal way to find great candidates. We [...]
We have a 90-day guarantee in place. We touch base with both the client and the candidate on a monthly basis to ensure everything’s running smoothly. In the event that it [...]