Forget Finding the PERFECT Candidate!
Instead, create the PERFECT job for the candidate you love. Most clients who are looking to fill a role start with a job description: these are the skills I am looking for, [...]
The Telltale Signs of a Bad Hire
I believe in having a sixth sense, spidey senses, a gut feeling. Whatever you want to call it, I think intuition is real and it’s an important part of the hiring process. [...]
The Perfect Employee
Meet Darla. Darla is early every morning and arrives with perfectly hot, fresh Starbucks for her favourite manager. She is impeccably dressed in head to toe Prada, despite a middle income [...]
Hire Slow and Fire Fast
Keeping in mind that not EVERY situation is the same, this rule is pretty well tried and true. One of the biggest mistakes we find that our clients have made in recruitment—before [...]
Should You Hire a Contractor or an Employee?
Know the difference to avoid a run-in with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)! When a realtor is looking to hire a candidate, one of the most frequently asked questions I get is [...]
Are Real Estate Assistant Salaries Inflated?
One of the hardest parts of my job is the negotiation of a candidate’s salary. My commission is not dependent on how much they are paid, so there are no personal [...]