In the beginning of 2021, we wrote a blog about the shift towards remote work that resulted from COVID-19 lockdowns. As the country is opening back up again, a lot of companies are revoking the flexibility of the work-from-home accommodations made during lockdown, and employees are not impressed. AGENTC reaped the benefits of companies who forced their employees back to the office – we hired 3 fantastic new team members who wanted to keep working from home.
We’re seeing this a lot in the broader context of our industry as well. Employees are leaving their jobs to work for companies that are offering permanent work-from-home or hybrid in-office/remote positions. We understand why employers may be hesitant to transition to an exclusively work-from-home or hybrid model – it can be intimidating for those who’ve never offered it before and whose operations are not digital/tech-focused.
If you’re an employer and you’re hesitant to let your employees work from home, it may be time to step out of your comfort zone. More and more research suggests that offering work-from-home arrangements will benefit your business. Here’s how:
Your talent pool for employees is massive
You are no longer restricted to just your geographical location for the best candidates – the entire world is your talent pool. Today’s technology makes it easier to connect from anywhere in the world. By restricting your recruitment to a small geographical area because you want employees to come to a physical office every day, you could be missing out on great talent in other cities, provinces, states, or countries.
Greater diversity & inclusivity
Offering remote work – where all employees need to ‘get to work’, so to speak, is a strong internet signal – makes you more accessible to candidates from a broad range of geographical, socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds, as well as those who may have physical disabilities that prevent them from coming to an office. Not only is your talent pool larger and more diverse, but more qualified candidates now have a chance at getting the jobs they deserve.
Employees are more productive at home
Studies have shown that employees who work from home take fewer breaks and have fewer sick days. In a 10-month study of both remote and in-office tech call-centre employees, a Stanford economics professor found that remote employees were less distracted than those in an office setting and were thus more productive. Further, a remote work environment allows you to have employees working in different time zones, which means your business can continue being productive 24/7.
Your overhead costs are reduced
You can greatly reduce costs by eliminating or reducing office space rental fees, parking fees, office supplies and equipment, cleaning costs and utility costs. Even small savings like the cost of stocking the vending machines in your breakrooms adds up over time and can make a significant impact on your bottom line. Employees can also benefit by writing off work expenses at tax time.
Less environmental impact
Having fewer or no employees in-office can dramatically reduce your hydro, natural gas and paper use, and reduce the amount of waste your company sends to landfills. You will also reduce gas emissions, and thus your carbon footprint, by cutting your employees’ commute to work.
Employees stick with you longer
Remote work usually means more freedom and flexibility. Eliminating your employees’ commute will also save them time, making it easier for them to balance their work and personal commitments. Further, they lose the stress that comes from the daily commute through rush hour traffic. Greater freedom, flexibility and work-life balance and less stress makes for happier employees. Happier employees tend to be more loyal employees. Thus, happy employees = greater employee retention. Another bonus of remote work: if their jobs are independent of location, you won’t lose them to relocation.
Bottom line: Allowing your employees to work from home all or part of the time broadens your talent pool, reduces your overhead costs, helps you save the planet, and makes for happier, healthier, and more productive employees who will stick with you longer and take less time off. Laptops, anyone?